Plots of total plastic waste categorized by brands and countries.
library(tidyverse) # Easily Install and Load the 'Tidyverse', CRAN v1.3.0
library(lubridate) # Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier, CRAN v1.7.10
library(skimr) # Compact and Flexible Summaries of Data, CRAN v2.1.2
library(ggfortify) # Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results, CRAN v0.4.11
library(plotly) # Create Interactive Web Graphics via 'plotly.js', CRAN v4.9.3
library(ggpol) # Visualizing Social Science Data with 'ggplot2', CRAN v0.0.7
library(ggthemes) # Extra Themes, Scales and Geoms for 'ggplot2', CRAN v4.2.4
library(patchwork) # The Composer of Plots, CRAN v1.1.1
library(RColorBrewer) # ColorBrewer Palettes, CRAN v1.1-2
plastics <- readr::read_csv(
plastics_longer <- plastics %>%
names_to = "plastic_type",
values_to = "count")
# change nestle to nestle
plastics_longer <- plastics_longer %>%
mutate(company =
str_detect(parent_company, c("Nestlé")) ~ "Nestle",
str_detect(parent_company, c("Nestlè")) ~ "Nestle",
str_detect(parent_company, c("nestle")) ~ "Nestle",
str_detect(parent_company, c("NESTLE")) ~ "Nestle",
str_detect(parent_company, c("nestlé")) ~ "Nestle",
str_detect(parent_company, c("Nestlé")) ~ "Nestle",
str_detect(parent_company, c("nestlé")) ~ "Nestle",
str_detect(parent_company, c("Pepsico")) ~ "PepsiCo",
str_detect(parent_company, c("PepsiCo")) ~ "PepsiCo",
!str_detect(parent_company, c("Nestlé")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("Nestle")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("nestle")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("NESTLE")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("nestlé")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("Nestlé")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("nestlé")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("Pepsico")) ~ parent_company,
!str_detect(parent_company, c("PepsiCo")) ~ parent_company
)) %>%
mutate(country =
str_detect(country, c("NIGERIA")) ~ "Nigeria",
!str_detect(country, c("NIGERIA")) ~ country
top_countries <- plastics_longer %>%
filter(plastic_type != "grand_total") %>%
filter(country != "EMPTY") %>%
wt = count,
sort = TRUE) %>%
slice_max(n, n = 10)
top_countries_names <- plastics_longer %>%
right_join(top_countries, by = "country")
plastics_longer_countries <- plastics_longer %>%
mutate(country =
country %in% top_countries[1,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[2,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[3,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[4,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[5,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[6,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[7,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[8,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[9,1] ~ country,
country %in% top_countries[10,1] ~ country,
!country %in% top_countries["country"] ~ "Other"
countries_data <- plastics_longer_countries %>%
filter(plastic_type != "grand_total") %>%
filter(country != "EMPTY") %>%
wt = count,
sort = TRUE) %>%
slice_max(n, n = 12)
# Countries plot
c1 <- ggplot(data = countries_data) +
geom_arcbar(aes(shares = n, r0 = 4, r1 = 10, fill = country)) +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("cadetblue4", "violetred3", "olivedrab",
"hotpink", "gold2", "aquamarine3", "lemonchiffon2",
"lightcyan3", "royalblue", "slateblue3", "yellow")) +
coord_fixed() +
theme_void() +
labs(title = "Top 10 Countries in Total Plastic Waste",
subtitle = "All other countries are combined\ninto one category 'Other'",
fill = "Countries") +
theme(legend.key.size = unit(0.25, 'cm'), #change legend key size
plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold", color = "white"),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10, color = "white"),
legend.title = element_text(size=10.5, face = "bold", color = "white"),
legend.text = element_text(size=9, color = "white"))
top_brands <- plastics_longer %>%
filter(plastic_type != "grand_total") %>%
filter(!company %in% c("Grand Total",
"Assorted")) %>%
wt = count,
sort = TRUE) %>%
slice_max(n, n = 10)
top_brands_names <- plastics_longer %>%
right_join(top_brands, by = "company")
plastics_longer_brands <- plastics_longer %>%
mutate(company =
company %in% top_brands[1,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[2,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[3,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[4,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[5,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[6,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[7,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[8,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[9,1] ~ company,
company %in% top_brands[10,1] ~ company,
!company %in% top_brands["company"] ~ "Other"
brands_data <- plastics_longer_brands %>%
filter(plastic_type != "grand_total") %>%
wt = count,
sort = TRUE) %>%
slice_max(n, n = 11)
# Brands plot
b1 <- ggplot(data = brands_data) +
geom_arcbar(aes(shares = n, r0 = 5, r1 = 10, fill = company)) +
coord_fixed() +
scale_fill_manual(values=c("cadetblue4", "violetred3", "olivedrab",
"hotpink", "gold2", "aquamarine3", "lemonchiffon2",
"lightcyan3", "royalblue", "slateblue3", "yellow")) +
theme_void() +
labs(title = "Top 10 Brands in Total Plastic Waste",
subtitle = "All other brands are combined\ninto one category 'Other'",
fill = "Company") +
theme(legend.key.size = unit(0.25, 'cm'), #change legend key size
plot.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold", color = "white"),
plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 10, color = "white"),
legend.title = element_text(size=10.5, face = "bold", color = "white"),
legend.text = element_text(size=9, color = "white"))
patchwork <- b1 / c1
patchwork +
caption = "By Roupen Khanjian"
) & theme(plot.background = element_rect(fill = "black",
color = "black"),
strip.background = element_rect(fill = "black",
color = "black"),
plot.caption = element_text(color = "white"))
For attribution, please cite this work as
Khanjian (2021, Feb. 7). Roupen Khanjian: Plastic Pollution. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{khanjian2021plastic, author = {Khanjian, Roupen}, title = {Roupen Khanjian: Plastic Pollution}, url = {}, year = {2021} }