Sankey plot of super bowl ads based of certain criteria
youtube <-
yt <- youtube %>%
select(-c(superbowl_ads_dot_com_url, youtube_url,
id, etag, published_at, thumbnail)) %>%
mutate(type = case_when(
brand == "Toyota" ~ "car",
brand == "Hynudai" ~ "car",
brand == "Kia" ~ "car",
brand == "Bud Light" ~ "food/drink",
brand == "Coca-Cola" ~ "food/drink",
brand == "Budweiser" ~ "food/drink",
brand == "Pepsi" ~ "food/drink",
brand == "Doritos" ~ "food/drink",
brand == "NFL" ~ "other",
brand == "E-Trade" ~ "other"
yt_sankey <- yt %>%
drop_na(brand, type) %>%
make_long(brand, type)
aes(x = x, next_x = next_x, node = node,
next_node = next_node, fill = factor(node),
label = node)) +
geom_sankey(flow.alpha = .65,
flow.color = "black",
node.color = "black") +
geom_sankey_label(size = 3.5, color = "white", fill = "black") +
scale_fill_viridis_d() +
theme_void() +
labs(x = NULL,
title = "Types of Brands",
subtitle = "Sankey plot") +
theme(legend.position = "none",
plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5, face = "bold",
size = 18),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = .5,
size = 15),
axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 4,
face = "bold",
size = 14),
plot.background = element_rect(colour = "#e7eaea",
fill = "#e7eaea"))
yt_sankey <- yt %>%
drop_na(type, animals, funny, patriotic, celebrity, danger, use_sex) %>%
rename(`use sex` = "use_sex") %>%
make_long(type, animals, funny, patriotic, celebrity, danger, `use sex`)
aes(x = x, next_x = next_x, node = node,
next_node = next_node, fill = factor(node),
label = node)) +
geom_sankey(flow.alpha = .65,
flow.color = "black",
node.color = "black") +
geom_sankey_label(size = 3.5, color = "white", fill = "black") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("gold4", "firebrick", "darkblue", "salmon3", "seagreen")) +
theme_void() +
labs(x = NULL,
title = "Super Bowl Ads",
subtitle = "Sankey plot") +
theme(legend.position = "none",
plot.title = element_text(hjust = .5, face = "bold",
size = 18),
plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = .5,
size = 15),
axis.text.x = element_text(vjust = 4,
face = "bold",
size = 14),
plot.background = element_rect(colour = "#e7eaea",
fill = "#e7eaea"))
For attribution, please cite this work as
Khanjian (2021, March 29). Roupen Khanjian: Super Bowl Ads. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{khanjian2021super, author = {Khanjian, Roupen}, title = {Roupen Khanjian: Super Bowl Ads}, url = {}, year = {2021} }